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Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

NEWS RELEASE: Too much parking in development of the Regent Theatre site

posted Saturday 6 September 2003
A development application is before the Sydney City Council for the construction of two towers and a podium on the Regent Theatre site, in the George, Bathurst and Kent Streets area of central Sydney.

The proposal is for 447 residential units, 140 serviced apartments and 599 car parking spaces (plus a small retail area, loading docks, etc). In other words, there is one car parking space for each “dwelling” and retail shop.

Action for Public Transport has objected to the excessive number of car parking spaces.

The site is situated about 50 metres from Town Hall railway station, through which most of Sydney’s rail services pass. It is also close to the hub of Sydney’s bus services, with a stop for George Street routes at the door, a stop for the northern and western suburbs routes in Bathurst Street, and routes from the northern, eastern and southern suburbs are not far away.

It is highly unlikely that every residential “family” living in such a location will have one motor vehicle, and practically inconceivable that the occupants of each serviced apartment will have one. Providing such an excessive amount of car parking space will only encourage people to bring cars into the city, at a time when government policy is just the opposite.

If half of the 447 unit owners do not have a motor vehicle, a not unrealistic assumption in such a location, then those owners will rent out or sell their car parking spaces to commuters who drive to work in the city each day from the suburbs. This will increase the number of cars on the road to the detriment of public transport.

The serviced apartments are, presumably, for short-term residents, and the proportion of car owners (or car users) amongst those would probably also be half or less. These unused car-parking spaces will also be taken over by commuters.

Even in the case of the retail shops, most of the proprietors and employees would come to the city by public transport, and a car space each seems unnecessary.

There will be excessive disruption to pedestrian, bus and other road traffic caused by the entry and exit of 600 cars (admittedly, not all at the same time).

Instead of pandering to an assumed demand for car parking, Council should be actively discouraging cars in the city. One block away from the site, the government is building a tunnel to keep cars out of the city streets. Council should follow this lead and manage the demand by depriving car users of a convenient place to park their cars.

We have recommended that

  1. the number of car parking spaces be cut by half to 300;
  2. bicycle parking spaces be provided;
  3. an underground pedestrian connection to Town Hall station be provided;
  4. those unit owners who forgo a car space be rewarded with unlimited TravelPasses for public transport instead.

Objections to the proposal close on 16th September 2003. Written submissions, quoting DA D/03/00857 – Regent Theatre Site, should be sent to:

Ms Sarah Roach
City Of Sydney
G.P.O. Box 1591
Sydney NSW 2001

Phone enquiries to Ms Roach at 9265-9403.

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