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Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

Review of Motorway Corridor between F3 (Berowra) and M7 "Orbital"

posted Sunday 4 March 2007
Your attention is drawn to the display advertisement which appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald of 3rd March 2007:

The terms of reference include whether changes since the 2004 Study, affecting land use and transport flows in Western Sydney would support any significant changes to the projections of that study.

It seems to APT that “peak oil” and global warming would fall within that definition. Readers are urged to make a brief submission, the purpose being to question the need for, or viability of, the proposed motorway.

Note – The full Terms of Reference seem unduly narrow. Some observers might consider challenging the appropriateness of the Terms of Reference. More information can be found at http://www.dotars.gov.au/roads/F3toM7review/index.aspx or phone 1800-661-904

Submissions close on 13 April 2007, to –
F3 to M7 Review Secretariat
PO Box 593
Canberra ACT 2601.

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