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Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

City Council announces three infrastructure projects for federal funding

posted Saturday 25 October 2008
On 24 October City Council announced that it was seeking federal funding for three transport infrastructure projects through the new federal funding body, Infrastructure Australia.

Below is an extract from the Lord Mayor's "eNEWS".


In order to progress our Sustainable Sydney 2030 vision, the City is seeking funding for three major transport projects from Infrastructure Australia, the new national body established by the Federal Government to develop a strategic blueprint for Australia's future infrastructure needs. The projects will reinvent the CBD and revitalise its forgotten western edge; link the new southern centre of Green Square to key education and entertainment precincts; and develop a network of green corridors linking Inner Sydney villages and hubs.

The three projects, which contribute to our goal of a usable coordinated walking, cycling and public transport network, are:

Improved public transport, an inviting pedestrian environment and better provision for cyclists are significant steps in reducing our reliance on private motorised transport and moving towards the goal of a Sustainable Sydney in 2030.

Information: Infrastructure Australia http://www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/.

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