Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

P O Box K606
Haymarket NSW 1240
4 March 2024

Director - Assessments
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure
Parramatta NSW 2124
Submitted via website

Submission on draft Bradfield City Centre Master Plan


Who we are

Action for Public Transport (NSW) or "APTNSW" is a transport advocacy group which has been active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport - passengers and the wider community alike.


Appendix A

We agree with emphases on design, vegetation, street frontages, permeability and other attributes to create a welcoming non-car-based urban centre.

Appendix G - the Transport Management Accessibility Plan Report

Overall this document is commendable in advocating a major role for public transport, in contrast to many greenfield urban developments to date. Perhaps it recognises changed economic and environmental imperatives, noting this is Sydney's first urban centre to be planned as a greenfield site.

P.4 We approve a longer term planned extension of Metro northwest to Schofields, hence connecting to the Richmond line, and south to the greater suburban network.

P.26 We approve requirements that schools, local and higher centres etc. be located on bus routes (though in practice the centres will come before the routes).

P.36 "A potential new east-west mass transit corridor will connect the Western Parkland City to the Central River City". That's fine, but can we please see it in other planning documents such as the Future Transport series?

P.39 SW Rail link extension to Aerotropolis (Bradfield), 6 minute frequency by 2036. Presumably this would be an extension of Sydney Metro from Bankstown - please clarify.

Rapid bus routes Aerotropolis to Parramatta, Penrith, Campbelltown etc. 15 min headway by 2026, 10 min by 2036 "subject to future customer demand and funding availability." There has been considerable publicity recently since the opening of the Rozelle underground interchange with consequent traffic congestion on Victoria Road. Delays to buses on Victoria Road have received less attention but are actually more important to public transport. Is it envisaged that the Aerotropolis rapid bus routes will be kept away from traffic congestion caused by single-occupant cars?

P.45 Special Purposes infrastructure corridor (SP2) north-south through site. "A decision regarding future rail infrastructure in the corridor is the subject of review by Government." All lines and station appear to be underground. We recommend that the rail corridor through Bradfield, the Aerotropolis area and the airport terminals be wide enough for four tracks (two tracks each metro and double-deck). So should be the stations. This may be the intention but the draft Plan needs clarification.

Construction of suburban heavy rail (double-deck) from Bradfield to Airport should be considered, parallel to Metro, avoiding change at Bradfield on these journeys.

P.74 - only a medium sustainable mode share target is seen as feasible for medium term, 2036. However we approve longer term projected public transport mode share rise (Table 20).

We note (see various bus route maps) that no urban development seems currently planned to west of Bradfield. Is this likely to continue as rural land? If not, transport corridor requirements from Bradfield centre should be planned.

Chapter 7 (Travel Demand Management): we approve principles of limiting unnecessary car trips, encouraging walking, cycling public transport including in urban design.
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