Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

P O Box K606
Haymarket NSW 1240
4 October 2022

Department of Planning and Environment,
Submitted via planning portal

Dear Secretary,

Central Precinct rezoning proposal


Action for Public Transport (NSW) Inc. is a transport advocacy group which has been active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport - passengers and the wider community alike.

We make this submission on the Central Precinct rezoning proposal described on T4NSW's page https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/projects/current-projects/central-precinct-renewal-program/.

Page numbers refer to the State Significant Precinct Study - Central Station Significant Precinct (172-page PDF).


Although this consultation is described as a rezoning, it is really much more than that. The intention is to prepare a planning instrument that will describe what is intended to be done at different parts of the large area covered. The following comments are intended to inform the preparation of that instrument.

Sydney Terminal Station is a building (ensemble) of outstanding quality and representative of public buildings in the NSW of its early-20th century construction. There are many parts to these values:

and the experience of trains and platforms. There are at least three kinds of the latter:
  1. A train shed - these can be breathtaking where preserved (Kings Cross, St Pancras in London; Gare du Nord, Paris). The recent additions to Parramatta have a similar effect though as a "slotted" shed. But Sydney never had a large roof for trains but only for the passenger concourse.
  2. Individual platform canopies - passengers are sheltered, but open to the sky. Ventilation from trains is no problem.
  3. Platforms built over, as proposed for Central platforms 1-12. This is already in effect at many of the world's "great" stations - Euston in London, Montparnasse in Paris, Grand Central and Penn in New York. However it can lead to a loss of visual amenity for passengers moving through the station. There is little detail in the Study on planned provision for platforms 1-12, but the ventilation diagram on page 117 suggests the ceiling (i.e. deck above) will be low, possibly the minimum allowed by standards. Already in many stations, such platform areas are hurried through as fast as possible, having aesthetic and environmental likeness to a car park. They add nothing valuable to the experience of the journey.
The Study is rightly concerned with visual amenity of the station from many outside viewpoints.

We also agree with the preservation of the passenger concourse. However, APTNSW urge Transport for NSW to design with regard to visual amenity for passengers passing through as well, especially for the actual platforms. The role of long-distance rail in NSW is likely to increase with high-speed rail plans under development by both Federal and State governments. Not only daily commuters pass through. It is a gateway or threshold to the city for visitors from regional NSW and beyond. It is not only Country for Indigenous people of the Sydney region - but the gateway to Country for people coming and going all around Australia. (see p.128)

We realise the inevitability of development over tracks due to economic pressures, and the potential social and aesthetic benefits this may bring (e.g. connecting communities on either side). However we note that the suburban tracks and platforms 15-23 are not proposed for building over. Are they being kept in reserve for a second stage? Or is this from a realization that the aesthetic experiences - the air, sunlight and views - of these daily commuters, are too important to remove? Or for safety?

A very special case is the infrequent operation of steam trains out of the station. An implication of rebuilding may be that steam would not be allowed at Central, and these specials would have to start from a suburban station. However we believe that due to the heritage value and meaning of both the station, and moveable heritage of NSW steam locomotives and rolling stock, the connection of the two should be kept.


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