Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

P O Box K606
Haymarket NSW 1240
16 December 2016

Climate Change and Resource Efficiency Policy Branch
NSW Office of Environment and Heritage
PO Box A290
Sydney South NSW 1232

Environmental Future Consultation

Submission in response to plans of November 2016


Action for Public Transport (NSW) is a transport advocacy group, which has been active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport: passengers and the wider community.

We refer to the NSW Government's new Climate Change Policy Framework (http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/Climate-change/Policy-framework) which sets two objectives:

We can see many avenues for improving NSW's handling of climate change which we set out below, even though some of them are not directly related to transport.


For your convenience, we follow the numbering scheme of your submissions form.

1. Accelerating advanced energy

2. National leadership in energy efficiency

Many recent transport and/or land-use decisions in New South Wales run contrary to best practice. For political or other reasons, many projects go against energy efficiency. While the most obvious is WestConnex, which stands to encourage road traffic, it is not alone.

There is a fundamental contradiction in NSW's transport policies. Simultaneously, the Government sets out both to reduce road congestion (invariably by expanding road space) and to develop public transport. These policies conflict, because increasing road space encourages private car use, depriving public transport of passengers whose fares help make the transport service viable.

We suggest:

3. Preparing for a changing climate

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