Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

P O Box K606
Haymarket NSW 1240
31 January 2017

Future Transport Team
Transport for NSW
email: FutureTransport@transport.nsw.gov.au
phone: 8588-5102 or T4NSW 8202-2200

Future Transport Strategy

Submission in response to 2016 Roadmap

Action for Public Transport (NSW) is a transport advocacy group, which has been active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport: passengers and the wider community.

This is Action for Public Transport's response to a call at https://future.transport.nsw.gov.au/technology/program/overview/ for feedback on the Future Transport Technology Roadmap, 2016.

This submission is being emailed as a single document rather than lodged as answers to the questions in your online feedback form. Several people have been involved in preparing this response and compiling their opinions into your framework would distort their contributions.

The following points are ordered arbitrarily:

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