Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

The Interim Chief Executive OfficerP O Box K606
Newcastle City CountilHaymarket NSW 1240
Attn: Patricia McCarthy23 October 2017
P.O. Box 489

Rail Corridor and adjacent land rezoning


Action for Public Transport (NSW) is a transport advocacy group active since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport - both of passengers and the wider community. We make this submission on the Development Control Plan and Planning Agreement relating to re-zoning the rail corridor between Worth Place and Watt Street.

We have seen promises that introducing light rail would re-vitalise the waterfront area and also lower Hunter St. We cannot understand how a re-vitalised city could function without extra transport. It is essential that the corridor be preserved, certainly from Worth Place to the former Civic station and preferably all the way to Watt St. At an absolute minimum, any developments must be subject to an easement reserving a corridor through the development which is suitable for two heavy rail tracks at or just below ground level. Similarly, there should be a stratum reserved for a station at Civic and another one near Watt Street.

We also note that many people have concerns about trams in Hunter St on the ground that the trams will interfere with already-heavy traffic. Easements as described above could also serve to take trams off the road if it became necessary.

Please ask Council to retain the current zoning.

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