Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

P O Box K606
Haymarket NSW 1240
24 November 2021

Director, Transport Assessments
Planning and Assessment
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Locked Bag 5022
Parramatta NSW 2124
Submitted via website

Submission on SSD-9835-Mod-7

SFS Precinct Village and Carpark

Action for Public Transport (NSW) ("APTNSW") is a transport advocacy group which has been active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport - passengers and the wider community alike.

We object to this proposal on the ground that it should be unnecessary, given the public transport services in the area. In particular, there has been major investment in the light rail service along Anzac Parade which provides regular services to Kingsford, Randwick and the CBD plus, on days when a major event is held in the area, shuttle services to Central Station. These shuttle services use a platform that was constructed for the express purpose of handling crowds on sporting event days. It is better to use the existing investment than to spend a large sum on a car park that will only be full on the few days per year when there is a major event.

We also object on the ground that the proposal conflicts with existing State policies to move towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions. The cars that would use this facility if constructed will occupy valuable road space and, in most cases, consume fossil power for their journeys. If the people in the cars instead rode public transport, much less resources would be used. Wasteful transport projects have no place in this state.
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