Action for Public Transport has continued its tradition of well-informed comment on transport matters, including submissions to key policy agencies such as IPART, the Productivity Commission, the Competition Policy Review and on Environmental Impact Statements for a variety of projects, during the year 2014-2015. All these submissions are available for download from our website.
Additionally, your committee members attended a large number of meetings about transport and land-use questions. We deplore the continuing tendency of governments to relegate public transport to behind the private car and well behind its proper place.
The committee has also tried to develop the use of more modern forms of advocacy, such as social media and plans to continue to do so.
Highlights of the year included printing 4000 copies of a pro-public-transport anti-Westconnex pamphlet and distributing them around affected suburbs.
We again thank our loyal members for their patient support; we would like them to stay with us during a re-organisation, which we think is essential, and which we hope will result in a greatly expanded membership with correspondingly increased influence on decision-making.