Action for Public Transport (N.S.W.) Inc.

DirectorP O Box K606
Transport AssessmentsHaymarket NSW 1240
Planning & Assessment24 June 2020
Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Locked Bag 5022

Application SSI-10041

Redfern station upgrade - new southern concourse

Submission from Action for Public Transport

Action for Public Transport (NSW) is a transport advocacy group active in Sydney since 1974. We promote the interests of beneficiaries of public transport - both of passengers and the wider community.

This submission is in response to a NSW Government display advertisement in the Sydney press of May 27, 2020. Public submissions on the proposal were invited, with a closing date of Wednesday 24 June 2020. This submission is being lodged at https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/project/25836.

We SUPPORT THE PROPOSAL, subject to the following provisos:

  1. It is highly desirable that the public be able to use the new concourse to cross the railway tracks between Little Eveleigh Street and Marian Street WITHOUT HAVING TO USE AN OPAL CARD or other form of ticket to access the concourse.
  2. It is essential that persons on the new concourse, intending to catch a train to the city, be able to visually monitor the approach of all trains from the west, so that they can move to the appropriate platform for the first-arriving train.
  3. To minimise travel times for persons interchanging between bus and rail, a footpath, preferably with all-weather protection, should be provided directly between the Gibbons Street bus stop and the Marian Street entrance to the concourse.

We have made no reportable political donations in the last two years.

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